Capaian yang harus aku kerjakan di tahun 2018:
- Lancar hafalan
- Belajar bahasa inggris untuk syarat internasionalisasi
- Buat animasi untuk mengikuti BDI Denpasar
- Aktif kelas decoding untuk menambah skill programmer
- Keluar Negeri guna pelatihan atau lomba
- Jangan males mengerjakan tugas-tugas kuliah, biar maksimalkan......
ya Allah...
Lancarkanlah segala urusan hamba-Mu ini...
Sehatkanlah laptop hamba, normalkanlah....karna hamba seddih jika tanpa barang satu ini :/
Rabu, 25 April 2018
Senin, 02 April 2018
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.........
Selamat siang menjelang sore guys...
Sebagai pembuka gue mau crita dulu ya guys...kali ini gue menulis dalam keadaan kepengin nangis..., ceritanya nih..sejak kemarin gue keinget yang di Bandung, especially pada saat program PERMATA itu tuuh...,dari mulai stalker instagram dan you tube mereka, chatt whattshap, sampe yg satu ini nih..yg bikin gue sedih.. apa itu? "flashdisk sandisk dengan gantungan kunci dinamik" pemberian mahasiswa Bandung sebagai kenang2an.
yang jadi pertanyaan kenapa sebuah flashdisk dapat membuat saya ingin menangis dan gregett bgt rasanya? yapz itu karna isinya guys...
bayangin aja wis... 16 GB sisa 3 GB,
eiits... kembali ke tujuan gue nulis blog ini ya guys..
gue pengin ng'share 1 file dari sekian file yang ada difd tersebut,, khususnya buat yang lagi belajar di Ilmu Komputer..perhatikan dg seksama ya guys....
Semoga Bermanfaat !!!
"-------------------| README.txt |
| Made by : MNF |
> May this flashdisk useful for you
> In this fd there are my promgramming folder, maybe some of this can help or can be reference
> And i give you some tools and program that may useful too for you (Install sublime text for coding, its very useful text editor with so much plugin)
- Always googling when stuck
- Always googling with english
- Open stackoverflow
- Some of this web maybe helpful
-> w3school
-> codecademy
-> codepolitan
-> stackoverflow
-> androidhive
-> Every framework or language official website (read the documentation)
- Important language for college
-> C
-> Java
-> PHP (with the framework [get CI first then Laravel])
-> SQL
- Study about OOP
- Always think logic not memorize
- Always 'ngulik'
- Advanced programming
-> Get AI
-> Machine Learning
-> Mobile Programming
-> Study JavaScript and Python
-> Study framework
- Role in programming life
-> Backend (Think about code, logic, database)
-> Frontend (Think about design, UX, and color)
-> *Businessman (not so important but important in Startup)
> I want to give you some certificate for my thanks to you that has helped us in some event. But so sorry i cant print it well then i give you the softcopy here.
> Last i want to say Thank You very much for coming to Ilkom UPI especially become a part of KEMAKOM. May your experience and your knowledge here useful for your future and for your career and become a unforgettable memories. And i represent of my friend want to say sorry if we are not really help and accompany you when you are in here. Come here again everytime when you want insyaAllah we can accompany you better next time. See ya may Allah always give the best way for you :)
- M. N----l F------i (Ketua BEM KEMAKOM 2017 / 2018)
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